Schools & Districts
We are a professional development provider, strategy consultant, capacity builder, and trusted advisor for both schools and districts that are committed to more equitably serving students. Our areas of expertise include social emotional learning, restorative practices, behavior and discipline, post-secondary planning, student engagement, and alternative education programs for students who face barriers to high school graduation.
Professional Development
Restorative justice, supportive discipline, and de-escalation, professional development.​ Offered for teachers, Administrators, support personnel, and/or security.
Policy Design
Design of school and districtwide policies and procedures and corresponding implementation plans.
Data Analysis & Strategy
Development of strategies and procedures to collect and analyze data to inform school or districtwide decision making.
Team Facilitation
Facilitation of teams or committees for cross-collaborative projects and initiatives. Includes goal setting, meeting facilitation, and project management.
Technical Assistance
Integration of restorative practices and social emotional learning into school and districtwide systems and structures.
Intervention Design
Creation of customized interventions and curricula to address student behavior and engagement.